record holders

美 [ˈrekərd ˈhoʊldərz]英 [ˈrekɔːd ˈhəʊldəz]
  • n.纪录保持者
  • record holder的复数
record holdersrecord holders

record holders


  • 1
    N-COUNT 纪录保持者
    The record holder in a particular sport or activity is the person or team that holds the record for doing it fastest or best.

    ...the British record holder for the 200m backstroke.


  1. The field includes three world record holders .


  2. The record holders , a group in Innsbruck , use a device called an ion trap in which each qubit exists as a superposition of a rubidium atom at different energies .


  3. Their marriage has lasted nearly five years longer than that of the current Guinness World Record holders and the couple are in the process of getting confirmation from the company that they will be named as the new record holders .


  4. The current challenge facing disciples of long-term investing is its recent poor track record : have patient holders not simply " round-tripped " , riding stocks up and down without taking advantage of selling opportunities ?
